WEBINAR: Tuesday, April 4th, 2023  |  1:00 pm EST

Best Practices for Preventing Enterprise AP Payments Fraud
in 2023

Bill Fox, former Deputy Chief of Economic and Cyber Crime at the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, and current Finexio Chief Commercial Officer outlines the types of fraud that can occur in accounts payable, common red flags, best practices, and the best solutions and services for preventing enterprise AP payments fraud in 2023 and beyond.

Register for the Webinar

Preventing Payments Fraud in 2023

April 4th, 2023  |  1:00 pm EST

Preventing fraud in accounts payable payments is crucial for enterprise organizations. Not only does it protect the company's finances, but it also helps maintain the integrity of the organization's reputation. Without proactive fraud prevention, actions by unknown or bad actors can cause serious repercussions. On this webinar you will learn:

  • The rising issues around payment fraud in enterprise payments
  • How to leverage modern fraud prevention measures
  • How moving to electronic payments can reduce fraud by 22%