WEBINAR: Thursday, October 5th, 2023  |  1:00 pm EST

Financial Resilience in Healthcare:
Ensuring Security and Efficiency in Hospital Payments

Payment fraud is an escalating concern in the healthcare industry, incurring substantial costs and threatening the financial stability of institutions. Further complicating matters, many hospitals still rely on manual and inefficient payment processes in payables and receivables, leading to unnecessary expenditure, administrative burdens, and risk. This panel will discuss best practices and innovative solutions to enhance compliance, and security while boosting the efficiency of hospitals' payment processes to strengthen the bottom line.

Register for the Webinar

Financial Health Check: Modernizing Medical Payments

Thursday October 5th, 2023  |  1:00 pm EST

Join Healthcare payments leaders, Tom Furr, Founder and CEO of Patient Pay, Finexio’s CSO, Chris Wyatt, and CCO Bill Fox on this panel diving into hospitals' challenges in managing payment processes.

Attendees will learn how to:

  • Mitigate payment fraud in hospital payments
  • Reduce bad debt from patient payments
  • Move from manual to modern payment processes
  • Eliminate payment exceptions, resends, and refunds
  • Drive financial resilience in a healthcare setting

Don't miss this opportunity to fortify your organization's financial infrastructure and combat payment-related vulnerabilities. Register for this expert panel today.