Get paid faster with FinexioOnDemand™

Say goodbye to waiting 30, 60, even 90 days to get paid for your goods and services. With FinexioOnDemand, get your buyer-approved invoices paid within 10 days of receipt, directly into your bank account

Faster, More
Secure Payments

Get paid faster and more securely

You Retain Control

Get paid faster and more securely

Electronic Processing

Get paid faster and more securely

Fairly Priced

Get paid faster and more securely

Supplier Portal for Shared Visibility Into Payments


To get started with FinexioOnDemand, simply complete the enrollment request form below.


To get started with FinexioOnDemand, simply complete the enrollment request form below.


To get started with FinexioOnDemand, simply complete the enrollment request form below.

*Fee structure assumes a 30-day payment term